Let’s Go!
This is going to be my personal blog. A place to share fitness/nutrition plans and help each other out. To that end… let’s get things started.
My nutrition today: I wasnt as diligent about my nutrition today as I wanted to. I find myself slacking on weekends (using kids as an excuse on why I cant stick to my diet). Definitely did not take in nearly as much calories as I wanted to. Very light breakfast (don’t judge me a fast-food, sausage sandwich with coffee), a decent lunch (again outside food, disappointed with myself already) shwarma beef and chicken with some potatoes and now that I think about it, didnt have any dinner. WTH!! Some snacks here and there (seaweeds and popcorn).
Workout: Did a 10×10 (10 sets of 10 reps) squats at 105 lbs. I’m mostly doing to go high volume and low weight for legs, let’s see if the theory works. 3×5 flat bench at 165 lbs and 2×5 at 245 lbs deadlifts. The idea of bench and deadlift is continuous overload. I found the workout online. I just have to find the link to share it here.
Interesting point: I’m trying a new nightly drink for fat burning. Could be total crap but time will tell. A cup of hot water with a teabag of green tea and a teabag of camomile (no idea how to spell the darn thing) tea with cinnamon and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Taste wasnt as bad as I though. I just wanted to add some honey in there but all out. Time to go Costco shopping lol.